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More Ruby Stuff

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I spent some time this evening messing around with Ruby again – I wish I was dedicated enough to work on learning Ruby more frequently because it’s always such a pain to leave it for several weeks/months and then come back to it having forgotten almost everything. Like learning any language, repetition is the key to memorizing the syntax.

Anyway, here’s some code I slapped together this evening – something to track my run dates and distances. The added value in this code, versus my previous work with hashes, is that this offers the user a choice of options up front (add, update, display, delete).

run_miles = {
 "033016" => 2,
 "032916" => 1.85,
 "032816" => 1,
 "032116" => 3.5,}

puts "What would you like to do?"
puts "-- Type 'add' to add a run."
puts "-- Type 'update' to update a run."
puts "-- Type 'display' to display all runs."
puts "-- Type 'delete' to delete a run."

choice = gets.chomp
case choice
when "add" 
 puts "What is today's date in mmddyy format?"
 date = gets.chomp
 if run_miles[date].nil?
 puts "How many miles did you run?"
 miles = gets.chomp
 run_miles[date] = miles
 puts "A run on #{date} for #{miles} has been entered!"
 puts "A run on #{date} of #{miles} has already been recorded!"
when "update"
 puts "Enter the date in mmddyy format."
 date = gets.chomp
 if run_miles[date].nil?
 puts "Date not found!"
 puts "What is the new mileage?"
 miles = gets.chomp
 run_miles[date] = miles
 puts "The run on #{date} has been updated to #{miles} miles!"
when "display"
 run_miles.each do |date, miles|
 puts "#{date}: #{miles}"
when "delete"
 puts "Which date do you want to delete?"
 date = gets.chomp
 if run_miles[date].nil?
 puts "Date not found!"
 puts "#{Date} has been removed."
 puts "Sorry, I didn't understand you."

It’s a cute little program – downloaded Ruby 2.2.4 on my Windows machine and ran it from the command line. I’d like to start getting into real web-based stuff soon.


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